As the COVID-19 pandemic is increasingly spreading worldwide, preventive actions have been continuously carried out by all parties to limit the transmission of this virus. Recently, limitation of physical interactions, temporary closure of public areas, implementation of working from home policy and large-scale social restrictions (Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar/PSBB) are some of COVID-19 preventive actions that have been implementing by Indonesian government.
Among all the prevention strategies, one of the the most important things to do is to increase public awareness about personal hygiene and health. Awareness for the importance of maintaining the health of each individuals is the strongest fortress to reduce the high transmission rate of this disease. Simple steps that can be done to reduce the risk of contracting COVID-19 such as, washing hands with soap, applying cough and sneeze etiquette in public places, and wearing a mask especially for sick person.
The other important thing is to always maintain the body vitality (immunity) at the highest level. As we have known that our body has its own defense system to ward off all types of diseases that enter the body. The body’s natural defense system is known as the immune system. The status of immune cells in our body can fluctuate depending on the recent condition of the body. Conditions such as high level of stress, lack of rest, lack of healthy and balanced diet could weaken the ability of immune cells to protect the body from various diseases, including virus infection.
Another recommendation from health professionals is to regularly consume immune-boosting supplements. Nowadays, the need of immune-boosting supplements is increasingly crucial and urgent. One of the best immune-boosting supplements currently on the market is Striatamin which is marketed under PT Mega Medica Pharmaceuticals. Striatamin is a clinically-tested herbal drug from Snakehead fish (Channa striata) and Turmeric (Curcuma domestica) combination extracts. Both have widely been used and recommended by doctors to maintain patient immunity and other health conditions.
Our literature study showed that snakehead fish extract is known to increase immunity due to its high albumin protein content. Albumin functions, among others, to maintain plasma oncotic pressure, to help metabolize and transport of drug substances and other endogenous compounds, and acts as the main antioxidant in plasma. High content of arachidonic acid, various amino acids, and other important minerals in Snakehead fish are reported to support its activity as an immunomodulator by increasing the number of immune cells in the body. In another hand, turmeric is widely known as a traditional medicine which is scientifically proven to increase the immune system due to its curcumin content. Even more, Prof. Daryono Hadi Tjahyono, a researcher from Bandung Institute of Technology, specifically mentioned the potential of curcumin in healing COVID-19, although he also explained that this claim still requires more established scientific evidences. It is expected that supplements that contain a combination of Snakehead fish and turmeric extracts, such as those found in Striatamin, are believed to have potential benefits in boosting the immune system. Daily consumption of this supplement will be beneficial to maintain the immune systems in order to counter diseases especially in this COVID-19 pandemic period.
Striatamin has been registered in Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan (BPOM) with POM TR Registration Number. 193330071 and is available in 30 capsules box packaging. Currently, Striatamin is the only Snakehead fish extract product that originated from a modern and organic fish farming and produced in a CPOTB (Cara Pembuatan Obat Tradisional yang Baik) certified factory to ensure a premium quality. Based on laboratory test from PT. Saraswati Indo Genetech (GIS), the protein content of Striatamin is 85.45%. It is the highest protein content among similar products. For inquiries and more detailed information about Striatamin, please contact the marketing staff at WA 088225838487.